Current Undergraduate Scholarships
Baylor University offers several scholarship avenues for our current undergraduate students to explore as they move forward in their Baylor journey toward graduation.
For students who have been awarded a merit scholarship as an incoming freshman or transfer student, it is important to remember that in addition to being enrolled full-time, you will need to maintain a cumulative Baylor GPA of 3.0 or higher to have your scholarship renewed each term. Merit scholarships are renewable up to 8 terms.
Below are links to scholarship opportunities for our current undergraduate students. We encourage students to be proactive in researching and applying for scholarships throughout their time at Baylor. As you apply for various scholarships, take note of any specific criteria for maintaining the scholarship, if you are awarded.
What are different ways that my merit scholarship can be used?
Merit scholarships are automatically renewed each fall and spring term (up to 8 terms) if student is enrolled full-time and maintains a cumulative Baylor GPA of 3.0 or higher.
If you are graduating early, you can submit a Scholarship Appeal to have your merit scholarship applied to a summer term that takes place prior to your graduating term.
Wintermester charges are billed together with the spring term bill, so a merit scholarship that is being applied to the spring bill is counted toward the charges accrued between wintermester and spring tuition.
It’s my graduating term, but I’m enrolled less than full-time.
Students who are in the graduating term of their senior year, but need less than 12 credit hours to graduate, can submit a Scholarship Appeal to have their merit scholarship applied to the term. This appeal should be submitted in advance of the graduating term to allow time for review.
Special note: If a student graduates early and has not used all eight terms of their scholarship, they cannot add the unused term amounts to their final term at Baylor resulting in two terms worth of scholarships in one term. (For example, if you are graduating in the fall after seven terms, you cannot add the eighth term of your scholarship to your Fall financial aid).