One Stop Student Financial Services
Whether you’re exploring Baylor or you’re a seasoned Bear, this is your go-to resource for making your Baylor education fit your budget while setting you up for a successful financial future. Learn more in these pages, and reach out for help!
See More FAQsBaylor University disburses financial aid up to 10 days prior to the start of a term. In order for your financial aid to disburse on time, make sure all of your requirements are completed in your BearWeb account.
In order to maintain your eligibility for the academic scholarship, you must meet the scholarship requirements of full-time enrollment of 12 or more hours and a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.0 or above. Please note, if you will be graduating early as a result of taking classes in the summer, you may be able to apply one semester of your academic scholarship toward the cost of tuition for the summer term. See our Scholarship Exception Request.
If you have been awarded an outside scholarship that does not appear on your bill, make sure you have reported the scholarship online here. In addition, you can check with the entity awarding the scholarship to ensure it was sent to Baylor, and designated for the term of the bill. If the scholarship funds have already been sent to Baylor and designated for the term of the bill, please follow up with our Baylor One Stop Office.
Every year students should complete the FAFSA to qualify for federal, state, and institutional financial aid like grants, scholarship, work-study, and low-interest loans.
The generosity of many donors has created several merit-based scholarship opportunities for high-achieving Baylor students. If you go above and beyond in academics, service, and community, then these scholarships are waiting for you. Apply today! Applications are open until May 15.
Update your profile and apply for outside scholarships.
The higher education community is committed to providing students financial aid information about the cost of college that is clear, accurate, and transparent. This goal has never been more important as students and families grapple with college affordability in an increasingly complex financial aid system consisting of multiple grant and loan programs with different eligibility requirements.
Baylor University has taken part in this initiative and is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.